Thursday, July 13, 2006

before we begin

I am harder and more cynical.
I am bitchier.
I am more confident.
I am more willing to stab you in the back.
I care less.
I am infinitely more difficult to please.
I, like the rest of my peers, am better looking on MySpace than I am in real life.

Now, I can start tomorrow on a nice new blog, with no fucking shitty poetry.

Thank God you're back. I have missed you.
p.s just looked at your myspace profile and don't think I've ever found anyone else who is a Donna Tartt fan. The Secret History changed my life, no cheesy exaggeration, it really did. Not monumentally, but it changed the way I look at the influence on us of people we are close to, and group dynamics. Yay!to you for being another Tartt-liker.
By the way- I'm fully aware that I'm rambling, but I've not slept since about 2 oclock last night and its around midnight now.
I will stop
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