Sunday, July 16, 2006


So women are confused about what men want. Case in point:

I know a girl who thinks it's cool to be open about every aspect of her reproductive system, with males and females alike. Menstruation, masturbation, sex, lack of sex, wanting sex. Do guys like that? It makes me feel sick. It makes most girls feel sick. But do guys like that? Do potential boyfriends want to hear about her bleeding and her being horny, or would they rather the pretence of having no reproductive system at all was kept up?


I agree with you. I know people like that. They piss me off. It makes me uncomfortable, but I wish it didn't. I feel like that in this day and age we should accept this sort of overshare. Fair enough sharing with those who you are closest with you, but when it's an acquiantance, someone who you barely know, I find it kinda creepy.
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