Thursday, October 26, 2006

being 16 part one - how to get served: the rules

Random trivia about Ally: she is writing a story based on different Shakespearean characters. Hero, Orlando, Viola and Antonio. Prize for someone who knows where they're all from.

She needs a kick up the arse to make her start writing again - please volunteer. Kicks up the arse can be replaced with slaps across the face as appropriate.

She wants to see Marie Antoinette even though BBC Radio 4 gave it a 0 / 10.

She wants to see the History Boys for the following two reasons: one of them is hot and they used a Smiths song on the trailer

She's going to see Morrissey in December.

Tuesday she saw the Puppini Sisters live. It made her want to cry and have a 40s related orgasm. She wants to buy more lipstick and better clothes. She made new friends.

She's lost a stone.


I know nothing of Shakespeare, except a little of Macbeth, even less of A Midsummer Night's Dream and even less of Romeo and Juliet. Nonetheless I look forward to a new story. *kicks Ally up the arse*

*slaps her in the face too*


Puppini Sisters live? JEALOUSY!

So so very glad that you're happy. That's excellent! You deserve it.

hero- much ado about nothing
viola- twelfth night
antonio- merchant of venice

orlando- erm.. pirates of the caribbean?

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