Tuesday, October 31, 2006

dear grandad,

are you here? i think you are. if you're just around for your birthday celebrations, gran's given up on them. i remember all those parties. two vivid memories: wearing a black bin bag when i was six. i was dressed up as a witch...there was candles in the pumpkins. candles on the cake. the lights went off. it was magic. pure, sheer, absolute magic. i remember being happy, so happy. i couldn't imagine it not happening every halloween. after a seven year break, i think it's time to start it again next year. we'll have toffee apples. duck apple. bob apple. why are there so many apples at halloween? we'll have proper picnic - hula hoops in plastic bowls, salt and vinegar crisps, king size mars bars cut up into slices, mini eggs. we'll wear costumes. it's going to be great. i want you to be there. i want everyone to be there.

lots of love
"our al" xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
stop messin granda!

You, reader, are hereby invited to a party next Hallowe'en.

Hahaha our picnics at home were pretty much exactly the same, with the plastic bowls of crisps and sliced up mars bars.
Yaaaay! I love Hallowe'en parties!
Sorry it took me ages to comment, have been really stressed and busy :-(
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