Tuesday, October 03, 2006

mes trois caractéres

je t'aime - alors, mince, je t'aime.
mon dieu, je ne peux pas vivre sans toi.
aide-moi, embrasse-moi.

je suis le plus sympa personne qu'on pourra rencontre.
peux-je vous aider?
je veux vous aider, je vous veux de m'aimer.

une mystére. une vraie mystére.
il n'y a personne qui la sait vraiment.
elle ne sait pas elle-meme.

elle est un tel bordel.

I don't speak French :-(

I did Higher German though.

And I can say a few odd French phrases like 'you are so brown' , 'you are a grapefruit/pear/mushroom/steak' and 'impossible! I do not speak French....'

But I can't write or spell any French (hence why I wrote my knowledge down in Ebglish)


tu est un(e) pampelmousse/poire/champignon/bifteck.
that's boss.

full translation:

my three personalities.
i love you, oh bloody hell how much i love you. my god, i can't live without you. help me, kiss me.

i'm the nicest person anyone could meet. can i help you? i want to help you, i want you to love me.

a mystery, a real mystery. there is nobody who really knows her. she doesn't know herself.

she's such a mess.
Thanks for that!
You look beeeeautful, by the way. Really good.
i understood all of that! god im good. god your good =)

love you

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