Saturday, March 17, 2007

In my school, you hardly ever hear a male referred to by name. It's "blonde, bad clothes", or "ginger barman", "washing machine", if they're a particularly bad kisser. This is the sort of thing that happens to you when you're in an all girls school for an overly long period of time. Guys lose their identity. Online people are referred to by geographical location: "Geordie cunt" or "Geordie sweetie", "Widnes pervert", "Irish love of life". "Real" people are condensed into two or three word gobbits to help identify. The personality of someone's boyfriend is cut down into a short phrase.

I wonder what I'd be like if I'd been to a mixed school. I think I'd be thinner. Guys watching me eat freaks me out. Another thing I've noticed about the girls in our school. We can't eat in front of guys because we've never had to do it before. I would never eat if there was guys near me. Ever. I'm so worried about us.

What the fuck is going to happen when we go to uni? This group of emotionally castrated girls who are in denial about the existence of men?

very, very true about the descriptions. it always works like that, names are not enough.
*mother's day love*
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