Sunday, June 24, 2007

if you say it

i'll say it back.

Monday, June 18, 2007

it's a new dawn, it's a new day. it's a new life, for me.

"The third of September".
I write it down. I smile. She smiles back. The heavens open. My fate is sealed.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

i smell like fags and garlic.

which means i've seen chloe today : )

Thursday, June 14, 2007

lost in translation..again.

what you say: stupid being not with you and not being able to help.
what i hear: i love you.

what i say: it sucks not being with you.
what you hear: blah blah clingy blah whiny blah blah.

what you say: you look beautiful. there, are you happy?
what i hear: i'm insane for talking to this girl.

what i say: you're so gorgeous you know : )
what you hear: blah blah blah tease blah blah stringing me along blah blah clingy.

what you say: never for anyone else but me ever.
what i say: lol you're well presumptious.
what i think: oh god oh god oh god please be my boyfriend.
what you say: ha true i'm sorry forget i said it.
what i say: i can deal with presumptious.
what i think: i can't believe i challenged him on that!

what you say: lol you look snuggly :)
what i hear: you look fat.

oh sweet jesus, i am so confused.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

the applicant

I'm seeing blue dress, fishnets, high heels. New haircut. Glasses because she can't get rid of those. Pearls. Lipstick? Or no lipstick? I have no idea. Liquid eyeliner definitely. What to put in the handbag though? Powder for sure, lip stuff of some description, phone, keys, money, chewing gum... eyeshadow? God almighty this is complicated. Gel pads for the feet. Dutch courage. Sneaky fag before I go. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Maybe a painkiller? Taxi there or getting a lift? So many bloody decisions. Where to even go? Django's Riff? Somewhere louder, quieter? People. Shoot me. Dates are such hard work.

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