Thursday, June 14, 2007

lost in translation..again.

what you say: stupid being not with you and not being able to help.
what i hear: i love you.

what i say: it sucks not being with you.
what you hear: blah blah clingy blah whiny blah blah.

what you say: you look beautiful. there, are you happy?
what i hear: i'm insane for talking to this girl.

what i say: you're so gorgeous you know : )
what you hear: blah blah blah tease blah blah stringing me along blah blah clingy.

what you say: never for anyone else but me ever.
what i say: lol you're well presumptious.
what i think: oh god oh god oh god please be my boyfriend.
what you say: ha true i'm sorry forget i said it.
what i say: i can deal with presumptious.
what i think: i can't believe i challenged him on that!

what you say: lol you look snuggly :)
what i hear: you look fat.

oh sweet jesus, i am so confused.

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